How to Use Social Media for Nonprofits 2020

How to use Social Media for Nonprofits to build audiences and digital fundraising.

Why NGOs must Build an Audience on Social Media

Everyone suggests using social media for your NGO. But no tells why it is so essential to use social media for your NGO.

The biggest reason for any NGO to use social media is to BUILD A AUDIENCE

The bigger the Audience the bigger the response to your NGO Donation Message.

Let’s see an example: Take two Newspapers or two TV Channels, the channel or the newspaper with a bigger audience commands higher advertisement rates. People are ready to pay higher rates to reach larger audiences.

Earlier only big companies/organizations had the financial power to spend huge amounts on TV/Print Ads and sponsorships to build their own audiences. 

But using social media, every tom, dick, and harry can now build his or her own audience. 

Organizations of every size, large, big, small, tiny, and even one-man organizations can now build large audiences using the right social media tricks and strategies.


How to Understanding an Audience can help your Online Fundraising?

Did your mom had ever tell you not to talk to strangers. Maybe you would also told the same thing to your own children++. Likewise, no one buys from a stranger. or no one donates to a new NGO just like that.

Any new donor would like to feel confident about the NGO he is donating to. And social media provides an excellent opportunity for NGOs to showcase their Activities, Projects, Videos, Photos to strangers and make them familiar with your NGO.

Cold Audience

  • Has not never heard about your ngo
  • Because they don’t know you they can’t trust you
  • Don’t you whether you are genuine or NOT

Warm Audience

  • Has seen your videos, Facebook posts, visited your website.
  • Know your NGO 
  • Have seen your NGO activities couple of times
  • Know that you are working with reputed partners – Government, CSR, Funding Agency Partners
  • Because they have seen your NGO website, videos, Facebook posts, and activities they are more likely to trust your NGO.

If you send a donation message 1,00,000 Cold Audience, who have never seen your website or social media posts, they are less likely to respond to your donation message and they are less likely to donate. 

As per the normal online response rates only you can expect about 1% to 2% response from to your donation message from a cold audience.

Now, if you send this same donation message to a Warm Audience, who has seen your website or social media posts, they are more likely to respond positively to your donation message and they are more likely to trust your NGO and more likely to donate.

And as per the normal online response rates you can expect about a 3% to 10% response from to your donation message from a warm audience.

Large Audience = Huge Donations

For example: if you send a donation message to 1,00,000 warm audience, asking for a minimum donation of Rs.1,000 and if 500 people from the warm audience donate, then you get a very good amount as donations. (Rs.1000 X 500 people = Rs.5,00,000).

Building a warm audience can take time, maybe about 6-12 months of time. But you build your own audience of a large number like 1,00,000, you will see gather momentum and you will see continuous explosive growth in audience numbers as well as dramatic growth in the number of donations.

Basically all Social Media platforms are run using certain software settings. You need to understand these softwares or algorithms, the tricks, and strategies and the settings you can use so that your messages get promoted and build an audience fast.

The biggest Tip to grow on Social Media

The biggest tip to grow an audience on any social media platform is to post regularly and frequently.

If you can do this simple thing regularly then you will a great difference in your social media audience numbers.

Posting regularly means, posting at least 2-3 times per day.

I know this would seem difficult to post every day 2-3 times on multiple soical media profiles.

But here is a secret, what you can do is you can schedule all your posts one day a week and schedule the posts for the whole week.

This way you don’t have to be on social media every day.

More Tips to Grow your NGO Social-Media Audience

  1. Create Social NGO pages with all information, contact details, website links
  2. Post content regularly, not just a couple of times per month
  3. Initially start promoting your among friends, then later focus on acquiring targeted users
  4. Add all your NGO Social Media links on your website. …
  5. Add links to all your NGO social media profiles to your email signatures.
  6. Share the same piece of content on all your social media profiles in different formats.

The Fastest way to Building your Social Media Audience

The fastest way to Building your Social Media Audience is to Invest a little bit of amount in Ads. This is a little more advanced method and you may need the support of good social media marketing experts to do this on your behalf. 

Most of the social media platforms collect lots of data about their users like location, education, job, income levels, interests, hobbies, etc.. You can select any of this information that most likely resembles your target audience and target your message to them. 

Just Don’t Give Up

Like all good things, building up the audience also takes time. Initially, you may not get any response or very little response to your posts on social media., But gradually as audience numbers keep increasing, you will start getting better responses to your posts.

And once you have good number of audience, the numbers start multiplying fast. Ultimately if you keep on the efforts you will have a really big audience.

Building your audience is like growing a big fruit-bearing tree. Initially, you have to work hard, and initially, there will not be any fruits. But once the tree grows big you can keep harvesting the fruits regularly.